Partnering with Rindu Rasa Asia offers transparent passive income.
Earn a direct 6% from the revenue of the Rindu Rasa Asia branch at your location.
Before the capital is returned, receive 70% of the profit-sharing. After the capital is returned, receive 40% of the profit-sharing.
Earn 6% of revenue as a Landlord, plus a share of profits as an Investor, offering double benefits and creating a more substantial source of passive income.
Join the queue after submitting the quiz form on the Rindu Rasa Asia website.
If the funds are sufficient, the Rindu Rasa Asia team will contact the investor
The Rindu Rasa Asia team will brexplain the partnership of Rindu Rasa Asia.
If you agree to this opportunity, you will become an Investor in Rindu Rasa Asia.
The minimum investment is 2B IDR, with profit sharing based on the total investment amount.
All parties will receive 70% of the net profit per month based on the proportion of their investment until they recoup their initial investment.
After recouping their initial investment, all parties will receive 40% of the net profit per month based on the proportion of their investment.
In the event of business failure, the invested capital may not be returned. However, this business is characterized by transparency and real operations, with all transaction records accessible at any time.
Hover Me!
Rindu Rasa Asia offers an exclusive partnership opportunity with only 10 branches opening across Indonesia. Don’t miss this chance—apply now and be part of our success!
Join the queue after submitting the quiz form on the Rindu Rasa Asia website.
If the building size is sufficient, the Rindu Rasa Asia team will contact the landlord.
The Rindu Rasa Asia team will explain the partnership of Rindu Rasa Asia.
If you agree to this opportunity, you will become an Landlord in Rindu Rasa Asia.
The minimum building size is 200m² and must be located in a strategic area
Buildings larger than 200m² and located in a strategic area will be given priority.
The landlord will receive 6% of the monthly revenue while the restaurant is operational.
In the event of business failure, the invested capital may not be returned. However, this business is characterized by transparency and real operations, with all transaction records accessible at any time.
Hover Me!
Rindu Rasa Asia offers an exclusive partnership opportunity with only 10 branches opening across Indonesia. Don’t miss this chance—apply now and be part of our success!
Join the queue after submitting the quiz form on the Rindu Rasa Asia website.
If the building size and funds are sufficient, the Rindu Rasa Asia team will contact the All Role.
The Rindu Rasa Asia team will explain the partnership of Rindu Rasa Asia.
If you agree to this opportunity, you will become an All Role in Rindu Rasa Asia.
The minimum building area is 200m² and should be in a strategic location. The amount of investment can be discussed with the Rindu Rasa Asia Team, with profit-sharing depending on the total investment amount.
All parties will receive 70% of the net profit per month based on the proportion of their investment until they recoup their initial investment.
The All role will receive 6% of the monthly revenue while the restaurant is operational.
After recouping their initial investment, all parties will receive 40% of the net profit per month based on the proportion of their investment.
In the event of business failure, the invested capital may not be returned. However, this business is characterized by transparency and real operations, with all transaction records accessible at any time.
Hover Me!
Rindu Rasa Asia offers an exclusive partnership opportunity with only 10 branches opening across Indonesia. Don’t miss this chance—apply now and be part of our success!